Hello? Is there anybody there?

Below is the picturesque village of Dalsfjord in Western Norway.

In the foreground you will notice that there is a rather large collection of sirens. In fact, this structure is actually known as a Telemegaphone Dale. It is a 23-foot-tall wind-powered loudspeaker sculpture that picks up incoming calls and projects them into the nearby surroundings.

All you have to do is call +4790369389 to have your voice blasted into the luscious lands of Norway. Open for business August 02 - September 06, 2008!

When you dial the Telemegaphone’s phone number the sound of your voice is projected out across the fjord, the valley and the village of Dale below. No answer? Telemegaphone Dale is wind powered and self-reliant. Recently however, the weather has been exceptionally calm in Dale and there has been a massive amount of people calling.”

Obviously, I can not verify this, but it seems legit to me...


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