Rick Astley: Best Act Ever?

A few weeks ago this ingenious little idea was going round a few sites. With the MTV awards coming up, one of the categories is "Best act ever", and the public could vote for the likes of U2, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera or you could nominate your own singer/band.

Well, some clever chap worked out how to make your nomination vote be counted over and over and over again, just by leaving your browser open. The idea was to get Rick Astley voted as The Greatest Act Ever! Well, I did it and my vote was counted in the region of 100 times. Some people were leaving it on all day.

I assumed MTV would twig and so thought nothing else of it. How wrong was I? It actually worked! It seems Rick Astley is now up for greatest act ever!! Brilliant. Nothing like ruining an awards ceremony.

I guess no foul play has been done either as it clearly states on the MTV site that you can vote as many times as you like.


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