Hey Scotty...

Bored at work?

1. Collect some dead flies from the office window sills
2. Dry them in the sun for an hour
3. When they are dry you will need pencil, paper and a vivid imagination, examples below....

Not content with merely ruining our daily commute between rural and urban areas throughout the UK, once upon a time British Rail wanted to cause us misery on an intergalactic scale...

The British Rail flying saucer, officially known simply as space vehicle, was a proposed spacecraft designed by Charles Osmond Frederick. A patent application was filed by Jensen and Son on behalf of British Rail on 11 December 1970 and granted on 21 March 1973. The flying saucer originally started as a proposal for a raiseable platform. However, the project was revised and edited, and by the time the patent was filed had become a large passenger craft for interplanetary travel.

More at the usual place...

Le velo magique
